Tay Lab



Bouadi O, Yao C, Zeng J, Beason D, Inda N, Malone Z, Yoshihara J, Manjally AV, Johnson III C, Cherry J, Chen C-Y, Huang T-C, Popovic B, Henley M, Liu G, Kharitonova EK, Zeldich E, Aichelman H, Davies SW, Walentek P, Tian Y, Man H, Ozsen E, Harder K, Gilmore T, Pitt D, Tay TL*. AutoMorFi: Automated Whole-image Morphometry in Fiji/ImageJ for Diverse Image Analysis Needs. BioRxiv 2024.07.26.605357 [Preprint]. July 27, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.26.605357.



Bouadi, O, Tay, TL* (2023). Automated Cell Counting of Macrophages In Situ. In: Mass, E. (eds) Tissue-Resident Macrophages. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2713:505-518. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3437-0_33.



Paolicelli, R. C., Sierra, A., Stevens, B., Tremblay, M-È, Aguzzi A, Ajami B, Amit I, Audinat E, Bechmann I, Bennett M, Bennett F, Bessis A, Biber K, Bilbo S, Blurton-Jones M, Boddeke E, Brites D, Brône B, Brown GC, Butovsky O, Carson MJ, Castellano B, Colonna M, Cowley SA, Cunningham C, Davalos D, De Jager PL, De Strooper B, Denes A, Eggen B.J.L. (Bart), Eyo U, Galea E, Garel S, Ginhoux F, Glass CK, Gokce O, Gomez-Nicola D, González B, Gordon S, Graeber MB, Greenhalgh AD, Gressens P, Greter M, Gutmann DH, Haass C, Heneka MT, Heppner FL, Hong S, Hume DA, Jung S, Kettenmann H, Kipnis J, Koyama R, Lemke G, Lynch M, Majewska A, Malcangio M, Malm T, Mancuso R, Masuda T, Matteoli M, McColl BW, Miron VE, Molofsky AV, Monje M, Mracsko E, Nadjar A, Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Neumann H, Noda M, Peng B, Peri F, Perry VH, Popovich PG, Pridans C, Priller J, Prinz M, Ragozzino D, Ransohoff RM, Salter MW, Schaefer A, Schafer DP, Schwartz M, Simons M, Smith CJ, Streit WJ, Tay TL, Tsai L-H, Verkhratsky A, Von Bernhardi R, Wake H, Wittamer V, Wolf SA, Wu L-J, Wyss-Coray T. (2022). Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads. Neuron, 110 (21): 3458-3483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2022.10.020


Tay, TL*, Locatelli, G, Constantin, G, Yong, VW, eds. (2022). Understanding the Roles of Glia and Circulating Leukocytes in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88976-070-1.


Mehl LC, Manjally AV, Bouadi O, Gibson EM*, and Tay TL* (2022). Microglia in Brain Development and Regeneration. Development, 149 (8): dev200425.


Manjally AV and Tay TL* (2022). Attack of the Clones: Microglia in Health and Disease. Front Cell Neurosci, 16: 831747.



Bouadi O and Tay TL* (2021). More than cell markers: understanding heterogeneous glial responses to implantable neural devices. Front Cell Neurosci, 15: 658992.



Tay TL*, Carrier M, Tremblay MÈ* (2019) Physiology of Microglia. In: Verkhratsky A., Ho M., Zorec R., Parpura V. (Eds) Neuroglia in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1175. Springer, Singapore *corresponding author


Costa Jordão MJ, Brendecke SM, Sankowski R, Sagar, Locatelli G, Tai Y-H, Tay TL, Schramm E, Armbruster S, Hagemeyer N, Mai D, Çiçek Ö, Falk T, Kerschensteiner M, Grün D, Prinz M (2019). Single-cell profiling of the myeloid compartment identifies new cell populations with distinct fates during neuroinflammation. Science, 363: eaat7554.


Falk T, Mai D, Bensch R, Çiçek Ö, Abdulkadir A, Marrakchi Y, Böhm A, Deubner J, Jäckel Z, Seiwald K, Dovzhenko A, Tietz O, Dal Bosco C, Walsh S, Saltukoglu D, Tay TL, Prinz M, Palme K, Simons M, Diester I, Brox T, Ronneberger O (2019). U-Net: deep learning for cell counting, detection, and morphometry. Nat Methods, 16: 67-70.



Shemer A#, Grozovski J#, Tay TL#, Tao J, Süß P, Volaski A, Gross M, Kim J-S, David E, Chappell-Maor L, Thielecke L, Glass CK, Cornils K, Prinz M, Jung S (2018). Engrafted parenchymal brain macrophages differ from host microglia in transcriptome, epigenome and responsiveness to challenge. Nat Commun, 9: 5206. #co-first author


Tay TL*#, Sagar#, Dautzenberg J, Grün D*, Prinz M* (2018). Unique microglia recovery population revealed by single-cell RNAseq following neurodegeneration. Acta Neuropathol Commun, 6: 87. *corresponding author, #co-first author


Datta M, Staszewski O, Raschi E, Frosch M, Hagemeyer N, Tay TL, Blank T, Kreutzfeldt M, Merkler D, Ziegler-Waldkirch S, Matthias P, Meyer-Luehmann M, Prinz M (2018). Histone deacetylases 1 and 2 regulate microglia function during development, homeostasis and neurodegeneration in a context-dependent manner. Immunity, 48(3): 514-529.


Weinhard L, d’Errico P, Tay TL* (2018). Headmasters: microglial regulation of learning and memory in health and disease. AIMS Mol Sci, 5: 63-89. *corresponding author


Tay TL*, Béchade C, d’Andrea I, St-Pierre M-K, Henry MS, Roumier A*, Tremblay M-È* (2018). Microglia gone rouge: impacts on psychiatric disorders across the lifespan. Front Mol Neurosci, 10: 421. *corresponding author



Tay TL*, Mai D, Dautzenberg J, Fernandez-Klett F, Lin G, Sagar, Datta M, Drougard A, Stempfl T, Ardura-Fabregat A, Staszewski O, Margineanu A, Sporbert A, Steinmetz L, Pospisilik JA, Jung S, Priller J, Grün D,Ronneberger O, Prinz M* (2017). A new fate mapping system reveals context-dependent random or clonal expansion of microglia. Nat Neurosci, 20(6): 793-803. *corresponding author


Tay TL*, Savage JC, Hui CW, Bisht K, Tremblay M-È* (2017). Microglia across the lifespan: from origin to function in brain development, plasticity and cognition. J Physiol, 595(6): 1929-1945. *corresponding author



Tay TL, Hagemeyer N, Prinz M (2016). The force awakens: insights into the origin and formation of microglia. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 39: 30-37.



Goldmann T, Zeller N, Raasch J, Kierdorf K, Frenzel K, Ketscher L, Basters A, Staszewski O, Brendecke SM, Spieß A, Tay TL, Kreutz C, Timmer J, Mancini GMS, Blank T, Fritz G, Biber K, Lang R, Malo D, Merkler D, Heikenwalder M, Knobeloch K-P, Prinz M (2015). USP18 lack in microglia causes destructive interferonopathy of the mouse brain. EMBO J, 34(12): 1612-1629.



Prinz M, Tay TL, Wolf Y, Jung S (2014). Microglia: unique and common features with other tissue macrophages. Acta Neuropathol, 128(3): 319-331.



Goldmann T, Tay TL, Prinz M (2013). Love and death: microglia, NLRP3 and the Alzheimer’s brain. Cell Res, 23(5): 595-596.



Tay TL, Ronneberger O, Ryu S, Nitschke R, Driever W (2011). Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems. Nat Commun, 2: 171



Tay TL, Lin Q, Seow TK, Tan KH, Hew CL, Gong Z (2006). Proteomic analysis of protein profiles during early development of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Proteomics, 6(10): 3176-3188.



Gong Z, Wan H, Tay TL, Wang H, Chen M, Yan T (2003). Development of transgenic fish for ornamental and bioreactor by strong expression of fluorescent proteins in the skeletal muscle. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 308(1): 58-63.