Tay Lab



Congratulations to BME senior Danielle Beason who has yet again been awarded the full Spring 2025 UROP to further their graduate level project! #recordbreaker



Congratulations to Danielle Beason for winning the full Fall 2024 UROP Award to work on a graduate level project! Very well deserved!


Fantastic news for the start of the summer! Jason Zeng has won the highly competitive Newbury Center Summer Fund Award for his internship at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). Jonathan Leach has been awarded the Newbury Center Award for an outstanding UROP proposal. Congratulations to both! Very well deserved!!


Heartiest congratulations to Clifton Johnson III for graduating (Biology/Neurobiology, CAS) and receiving the Scarlet Achievement Award! All the best for medical school and an amazing medical career!

Abby Fowler has officially joined our lab for her PhD research! Hurray!


Congratulations to Jonathan Leach for winning the full Summer 2024 UROP Award! Very well deserved!

Congratulations to Emily Yu Yang from the Fall 2022 CAS BI581 Grant Writing Course for receiving Honourable Mention for the prestigious 2024 NSF GRFP Award! Amazing talent and resolve!

Congratulations to Elif Ozsen who participated in the 2023 Summer Writing Clinic for winning the prestigious 2024 NSF GRFP Award! Absolutely well deserved!


The wonderful Clifton Johnson III has been named the first winner of the Scarlet Achievement Award of his graduating cohort by the Department of Biology for his remarkable academic progress. Amazing!! The whole lab will be showing up at his commencement ceremony this May!

Congratulations to Nyomi Inda for being selected to present a poster on her research at the 50th Annual National Society of Black Engineers Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, March 20-24, 2024. Have an amazing time!

Dr. Tay will host the Neurobiology scholars for the 2024 Emerging Scholars in Global Change Biology networking and outreach event at BU's Department of Biology.


Congratulations to Jason Zeng for winning the Spring 2024 UROP Award! Well done!

Dr. Tay is organising the 2nd Women in STEM Symposium that will take place at Boston University and online on March 6, 2024. This year's theme is "Mentorship and a Balanced STEM Career". The symposium is open to all academic fields and gender identities.



Congratulations to Ouzéna Bouadi for winning the Fall 2023 Biology Travel Award! Have a wonderful experience at your workshop in Bordeaux, France.

Welcome Elif Ozsen, Kristen Harder, Abby Fowler, Victoria Guarino (graduate rotation students, Fall 2023/Spring 2024), and Jonathan Leach (Neuroscience junior) to our lab!

Congratulations to Krupa Sampat for a successful poster presentation at the 2023 GSI Symposium.


Congratulations to Clifton Johnson III for a successful poster presentation at the Fall 2023 UROP Symposium.


Congratulations to Amritha Manjally and Ouzéna Bouadi for completing their PhD qualifying examination!

Great job by Ouzéna Bouadi and Jason Zeng at the ISNI Congress 2023 with possibly the most visited posters despite being blocked by a massive pillar.

Round of applause for Krupa Sampat for a successful completion of the bioinformatics summer internship and opportunity to present a poster at the GSI Symposium later this fall.

Congratulations to Ellie Choi and Chaitan Reddy for a successful RISE poster presentation and conclusion of their internship programme.


Congratulations to Clifton Johnson (Biology rising senior) for winning the 2023 Loren E. Wold Award in recognition of his outstanding UROP application. This award covers his summer 2023 UROP stipend and provides an additional $200 towards conference travel. Amazing achievement!!

Tuan Leng Tay presented ongoing unpublished research and a highly anticipated image analysis tool at the Klaus Tschira Foundation meeting in Heidelberg, Germany.

Welcome Krupa Sampat (BMSIP 2023), Ellie Choi and Chaitanya Reddy (BU RISE high school interns) to our lab! We also look forward to Nyomi Inda (Electrical Engineering junior), Monica Iordanov (Neuroscience freshman), and Angel Hoo (Neuroscience sophomore) joining us later this summer/fall.

Tuan Leng Tay has been awarded the Patricia McLellan Leavitt Research Fund Award for 2023/2024. This award is given to non-tenured female faculty who demonstrate a commitment to encouraging women to study science. Congratulations!


Mad props and congratulations to Jason Zeng (Biology sophomore) for winning the Best Contributed Talk Award at the Computational & Systems Biology Annual Symposium (qCMB Program, Colorado State University)!


Heartiest congratulations to Zoe Malone (Biology), Jonathan Yoshihara (CMG, Biology), Chenkai Yao (BME), and Kevin Kang (ECE) for graduating! All the best for your coming endeavours!

Congratulations to Danielle Beason for her new position as National Society of Black Engineers Region 1 Pre-collegiate Chair! Thanks for your service!


Congratulations to Anne-Marie Abban-Demitrus from the Fall 2022 CAS BI581 Grant Writing Course for winning the 2023 American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowship! Excellent!

Congratulations to Jason Zeng for winning two Undergraduate Travel Grants to attend the June 12-13, 2023, qCMB / UQ-Bio Symposium at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA! Fantastic job! Enjoy your conference!!


Congratulations to Danielle Beason for her impressive poster presentation during the 49th Annual National Society of Black Engineers Conference at Kansas City Convention Center. Great job!

Congratulations to Clifton Johnson for winning the Summer 2023 UROP Award! Amazing!

Congratulations to Renata Serio (Fizbein Lab) from the Fall 2022 CAS BI581 Grant Writing Course for winning the prestigious 2023 NSF GRFP Award! Absolutely well deserved!

The lab hosted Dr. Hideaki Yano from Northeastern University for the Department of Biology Special Seminar on March 27, 2023. Great discussion!

Together with BU ARROWS, Dr. Tay organised the first Women in STEM: Microglia Panel at Boston University that was held in the new Computing & Data Sciences Building and over Zoom on March 22, 2023. See here for the final report.

Wonderful opportunity for A. Manjally, O. Bouadi and Dr. Tay to have hosted the 2023 Emerging Scholars during this year's Emerging Scholars in Integrative Biology networking and outreach event at BU's Department of Biology.

Congratulations to Danielle Beason and Jason Zeng–nominess for Student Employee of the Year 2023 in the categories of Critical Thinking and Leadership, respectively! Thanks for your service. Keep up the wonderful work!


Tuan Leng Tay was awarded the 2023 Spivack Neuroscience Pilot Award. Congratulations!



Welcome Chenkai Yao (Biomedical Engineering, BU) and Kevin Kang (Computer Engineering, BU) who will perform their Senior Design Project with our lab for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters!


Tuan Leng Tay was awarded the BBRF 2022 Young Investigators Award. Congratulations!


Welcome Clifton Johnson III (undergraduate research volunteer, Department of Biology, BU), Emily Kraft (lab manager/research assistant), Jason Zeng and Danielle Beason (BU undergraduate work-study students) to our lab this summer/fall!

Welcome Katherine He and Sofia Guerra (BU RISE high school interns) to our lab! We also look forward to Jonathan Yoshihara joining us for research credits in the fall and spring semesters!


Tuan Leng Tay was a panellist at the tbh Conference "Career Real Talk for Researchers" organised by the German Scholars' Organisation.

Welcome Tina Chen (Undergraduate work-study student, Department of Biology, BU) to our lab!


Congratulations to Zoe Malone for winning the Summer 2022 UROP Award! Outstanding!


Welcome Zoe Malone (Undergraduate research student, Department of Biology, BU) to our lab!

Welcome Gerardo Sequen Rivera (Masters student, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, BUSM) to our lab!



The Tay Lab has moved to Boston University and is affiliated with the Departments of Biology and Anatomy & Neurobiology.

Matteo Petrich got promoted to Team Leader at PharmaLex. Congrats!!


Ouzéna Bouadi successfully graduated from her Joint Master in Neuroscience programme with flying colours! Congrats!!

Matteo Petrich just got signed on as a project manager in a pharmaceutical company. Congrats!!


Matteo Petrich organised two online Career Workshops for graduate students and postdocs featuring guest speakers from the industry and NGOs. Read his post-event thoughts here .


Matteo Petrich defended his thesis for Master of Biology (Neurobiology) with flying colours. Congrats!!



Amritha Manjally successfully defends her thesis for Master of Neuroscience - Congrats!!

Dr. Tuan Leng Tay is now Associated Expert with the German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Training Group MeInBio-BioInMe (GRK 2344)


Matteo Petrich organised the first virtual AMA (ask me anything) for graduate students and postdocs featuring Prof. Marie-Ève Tremblay and Dr. Tuan Leng Tay


Guest speaker at Biological Colloquium - Dr. Giuseppe Locatelli, Theodor Kocher Institute, University of Bern



Meeting fellow Klaus Tschira Boost Fund Fellows and KlarText-Preis winners at the German Scholars Organisation e. V. Workshop (Berlin)

Welcome Ouzéna Bouadi (Joint Master in Neuroscience intern, Feb-Apr 2020) to our lab!

Welcome Matteo Petrich (Master of Biology intern) to our lab!


Tamara Ritter gets a job in the industry - Congrats!!

First Big Lab Meeting – wet lab meets dry lab | Welcome Vandana Shree Vedartham Srinivasan (Master of Neuroscience intern) and Patrick Campbell (Master of Neuroscience student) to our lab!

Presentation at FRIAS Kick-off Workshop (Titisee)


Guest speaker at Biological Colloquium - Dr. Franziska Denk, King’s College London

Launch of Frontiers in Immunology Special Collection - Understanding the Roles of Glia and Circulating Leukocytes in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Presentation at BrainLinks-BrainTools Annual Workshop (Freiburg)

Lab retreat – Project Management & Group Dynamics (Günterstal)


Won competition - Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg Research Innovation Fund (2019-2020)

Website goes online