Tuan Leng Tay, Dr. rer. nat.
Group Leader & Principal Investigator
"Everyone who associates with our group should have the time of their lives doing Science. Leveraging on a very supportive research environment, I hope to help each of us achieve our absolute potential. Be fearless and pursue your own unique dreams."
#rigour #quantitative #diversity #readpapers #womeninstem #bloodsweat&tears #eatfood
Scarlet, G.S.P. (2007–2024)
in memoriam
HR Manager, Health Officer, Timekeeper, Security Guard & Spiritual Leader (2019–2024)
"I provide therapy when experiments are challenging. I run outdoor project meetings and soft skill workshops. I attend every lab meeting and teach classes. Free time? What is free time? Grants and papers are written in my sleep."
#realboss #wirschaffeneszusammen #buerohund #maus #wassertrinken
Amritha Manjally, B.Eng. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Neuroscience
PhD Candidate, Neurobiology, BU (From Sep 2021)
Research Assistant, Uni Freiburg (Jun 2020–Mar 2021)
MSc Neuroscience Student, Uni Freiburg (Jul 2019–May 2020)
"I have a Masters degree in Neuroscience from the University of Freiburg. I will be pursuing my graduate studies in the area of neuroimmunology. I am interested in studying microglial cells both in vitro and in vivo in the context of neurodegeneration. I am motivated to acquire new skills in the field of neuroscience, imaging, bioinformatics, and data analysis. In my free time, I love to sketch, paint and draw comic strips for fun."
Ouzéna Bouadi, B.Sc. Biology, M.Sc. Neuroscience
PhD Candidate, Neurobiology, BU (From Sep 2021; expected graduation Aug 2025)
Joint Master of Neuroscience Intern/MS thesis, Uni Freiburg (Feb 2020–Aug 2021)
"After starting my university training in medical school, I received my B.Sc in multidisciplinary biology in 2019 (France/Canada). I joined the Tay Lab during my M.Sc in Neuroscience and majored in neuroimmunology (France/Germany). My research interest concerns glial interactions within the brain. I am currently studying long-term microglial and astrocytic responses to various brain injuries and in different experimental models. In my free time, I like drawing/painting and hiking!"
Danielle Beason
Undergraduate Researcher (UROP), Bachelor Student, Biomedical Engineering, BU (From Sep 2024)
Work-study Programmer, Biomedical Engineering, BU (Sep 2022-May2024)
"I am particularly interested in molecular biology, nanotechnology, and materials science. I hope to one day pass the PE exam for Chemical Engineering! In my free time, I practice yoga and read the extensive Dune series."
Chenkai Yao
Remote Researcher & Programmer (From Jun 2023)
Senior Design Bachelor Student, Biomedical Engineering, BU (Sep 2022-May 2023)
"I’m interested in computational biology, bioinformatics, and clinical devices. I hope to integrate my programming skills and research experience to improve the analysis tools of the lab."
Chenkai graduated from BU in the spring of 2023 and is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree at Imperial College London, UK.
Monica Iordanov
Undergraduate Researcher, Bachelor Student, Neuroscience, BU (From May 2024)
Work-study Lab Administrator, BU (Sep 2023-May 2024)
"I am an undergrad student at BU studying neuroscience with a minor in biology on the pre-health track. I am interested in delving into the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and gaining research and lab experience. In my free time I enjoy swimming, travelling, and hanging out with friends."
Abigail Fowler
PhD Candidate, Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics (GPGG), BU (From May 2024)
Graduate Rotation Student, 1st Year PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences (PiBS), BU (Jan-Feb 2024)
"I received my BS in Microbiology at Iowa State University with a minor in Global Health. My previous research focused on nerve regeneration utilizing stem cells and biopolymer scaffolds. I am currently interested in the neuroimmune system and its relation to neurodegenerative disease."
Aidan Kieffer
Undergraduate Researcher, Bachelor Student, Neuroscience, BU (From Dec 2024)