Tay Lab

Microglial transcriptomes in acute neurodegeneration

Bulk and single-cell RNA-sequencing data from Tay et al. 2017 and Tay et al. 2018.

AutoMorFi: Automated Whole-image Morphometry in Fiji/ImageJ for Diverse Analyses and Discoveries

Works for glia, neurons, other cell types, organisms, and even objects such as corallites! Preprint

U-Net – Deep Learning for Cell Counting, Detection, and Morphometry

For (semi) automated detection and counting of biological objects in large datasets. Works for glia too! Publication

ImageJ / Fiji HDF5 Plugin

For loading, writing and storing of extremely large and complex image datasets.


A fully automated 3D stitching software for biomedical image data (confocal microscopy images). Publication